Understanding the complexities of law and trying to make sense of the convoluted procedures involved can be intimidating for anyone. Very often those embroiled in legal issues try to make a strategy of how to go about tackling them. Oftentimes the deeper they try to delve into it, the more confusing it seems to get. All law is based on logic, common sense, natural justice and 'The Rights of Men". However like everything else there is a certain way and logic to how litigation should be approached and handled. Lawyers are not soothsayers and it is not possible to predict the final outcome of any case with certainty, but it would be fair to say that lawyers have a fairly good idea about the final outcome of a case. A client has every right to know what his lawyer thinks about his case. Not every case can be won, but a litigant needs to know where he actually stands . Very often the vain belief of contesting parties in the strength of their case condemns them to long drawn out protracted litigation. Were a client to have the good fortune of having his legal position explained to him, a lot of frivolous litigation could be curtailed. A litigant ought in almost all circumstances be made to explore the option of an out of court settlement, a most desirable outcome under any circumstances. Legal issues can be resolved in many different ways and it is for the counsel to weigh and assay his client's case to determine its intrinsic strength. Not only that, he ought to be aware of what strategy to adopt to ensure a positive outcome. Once a stance is taken by a party in court, it is extremely difficult to go back on it. A wrong stance can often doom what may otherwise be a good case. Oftentimes the approach taken is too myopic which seeks only to address the immediate problem at hand but does not consider the future ramifications that it may have for a litigant. How a lawyer approaches a particular legal problem can be of the utmost importance for the outcome of his case. All too often it is the pre litigation work of drafting documents, giving legal opinions and preparing a strategy to address a particular problem that assumes a lot of importance . To address all these issues, requires that a lawyer be very patient , extremely well versed with the law and prepared to spend a considerable amount of time on his brief.
We at Optimus Legal Solutions (OLS) feel that there is a crying need for good legal representation in our country. In small measure we seek to address all the aforesaid issues and aim at providing very high quality service to our clients to ensure a positive outcome . It is our credo to serve our clients in the best possible manner, to keep them informed and to apprise them about the possible outcome of their case in the light of legal provisions. Our firm discourages litigation, where we feel litigation ought not to be entered into, and we often suggest alternative methods of resolving a particular dispute. At "OLS" we endeavour to be frank, forthright, straightforward and honest with our clients, while looking after their interests in the best possible manner.